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{{manuals[n-1][0].technology}} | ||
Model | Manual | Comment |
{{record.model}} | {{record.items[0].Comments.NorthAmerica}} |
- *EU manuals cover models sold in Europe.
- Some information & specifications, such as Available Models, Caution Labels, Emission-related Informaion, Installation Information,& etc., may be different than models sold in N. America.
- *EU manuals cover models sold in Europe.
- Some information & specifications may be different than models sold in N. America.
As a service to our customers, copies of our owner's manuals are available for download at no charge:
The manuals are in Adobe's "PDF" format. In order to download/view the manuals you must have the Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. (Click here to download the FREE Acrobat Reader program.)
NOTE: If you have trouble viewing the PDF file in your browser, try right-clicking on the link, then choose the option to "Save As" and save the PDF file to your computer. Then navigate to the location you saved the file, and double-click the PDF file to load it directly to your Acrobat Reader program.

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We are uncompromising in our pursuit of outboard motors that are both durable and as light as possible. We pursue the ultimate in quality to deliver an inspirational engine experience.

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